

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. It is the only thing that ever has”                                                         

 –Margaret Mead

Individuals have played a major role in developing our current environmental and social circumstances.

We all know that we have to change the way we live and take responsibility for the lives we lead – we need to find a way of meeting our needs without compromising future generations. Jewellery from Siska Collection ties in with these observations on sustainability, as all the beads have had a past life – some more than two thousand years, others only a century, but common for all is that they already exist – they have not been produced yesterday. They have been re-located to fit a modern piece of jewellery while leaving no carbon footprint.

Finding a box for the jewellery pieces hasn’t been an easy task. I obviously wanted an ethical and sustainable packaging choice, and imagined that companies producing this would be plentiful – but they are not. After much research I found The Tiny Box Company (UK) who could provide not only a nice quality box for the necklaces, but also a box that is produced with a minimum impact on the environment. All their products are carefully created in the most sustainable manner and all jewellery boxes are made from recycled material.

Being mindful about the environment has been part of our life for many years – we have 7 different recycling waste bins in our household, another 3 is to be added this year by the local city council, we try to bike instead of using the car, buying local organic food etc. It makes sense – not only because we care about the family’s health, but also because of the impact our lives have on the environment.